Consumer Services Case Study

Elevating Senior Care Customer Experiences

How we ensure swift lead qualification and high-quality experiences  
for families seeking senior care solutions. 


Lead Referral Rate 

Achieved a lead referral rate of 57%, exceeding a referral rate goal for leads by 7%. 
↑ 8%

Leads Sent to Field Connection Rate  

Increased the connection rate of leads sent to field by 8%, ensuring high-quality leads reached the internal sales team promptly. 

Call Abandonment Rate 

Reached a call abandonment rate of .31%, decreasing quarterly abandonment rate by 87%. 

The Problem:
Orchestrating Swift, Quality Connections in Senior Care 

In the sensitive realm of senior care, timely and empathetic connections with families are pivotal. Working Solutions’ client, a leader in the senior care space, faced a significant challengeensuring quick lead distribution to its internal sales team. The urgency lay not just in speed but in the ability to provide high-quality, emotionally resonant experiences to families in search of solutions.  

the problem

Coverage, Pricing, and Deductible Changes

With ever-evolving coverage options, we ensure your policyholders stay updated.  

Our team manages changes in coverage, pricing, and deductibles, guaranteeing your customers are always well-informed.

Premium Increase Management

When premium increases raise concerns, our knowledgeable agents step in. We assist callers with enrollee changes, address updates, coverage adjustments, and billing alterations.

Our agents excel at implementing upselling and cross-selling strategies to retain customers even in the face of premium hikes.

The Solution:
Ensuring Excellence through Emotional Intelligence and Operational Optimization

Working Solutions devised a tailored approach to address the unique needs of the client. Recognizing that success hinged on compassion and speed to deliver, its recruiting and virtual talent teams crafted an emotional intelligence agent profile, targeting specific soft skills that make agents more likely to relate with callers. The recruitment strategy balanced this intelligence with contact center experience, ensuring agents can navigate the fine line of establishing both emotional and physical connections with customers. 


The client took a proactive stance, implementing strategic recommendations to revamp its dialer strategy, which resulted in operational efficiencies. Understanding the intricacies of elder care, the Working Solutions program success team collaborated with the client to fine-tune the timing of outbound calls to align with peak moments of family availability. Additionally, Working Solutions implemented innovative call-routing strategies to prioritize professional calls from hospitals. This improvement enables the client to provide swift assistance in critical situations where families urgently need referrals. 

"We've entrusted Working Solutions with our customers — the first point of contact, and it's a really scary thing to turn that control over. But for us, it's actually been a real benefit because we've been able to let Working Solutions do what they do best: go find great people to have geat conversations with our families during the times we need them."
Vice President, Operations

The Impact: Strategic and Empathetic CX Transformation

Working Solutions' strategic approach transformed the client’s customer service offering, enabling them to provide prompt and empathetic care in the competitive field of senior care, where speed and compassion are paramount. 

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